登録 ログイン

code of etiquette 意味

"code of etiquette"の例文


  • 礼式{れいしき}
  • code     code n. 法典; 規約, おきて; 暗号; 記号, コード. 【動詞+】 break a code 暗号を解読する
  • etiquette     etiquette n. 礼儀作法, エチケット. 【動詞+】 disregard etiquette 礼儀作法を無視する
  • need a new code of electronic etiquette    新しい電子時代{でんし じだい}のエチケットの規範{きはん}が必要{ひつよう}である
  • etiquette     etiquette n. 礼儀作法, エチケット. 【動詞+】 disregard etiquette 礼儀作法を無視する follow established etiquette 既成のエチケットを守る Convention prescribes the etiquette for introducing people to one another.
  • code of etiquette about when and where it's ok to use cell-phone    いつどこで携帯電話{けいたい でんわ}を使用{しよう}してよいかに関するエチケットの規範{きはん}
  • code of etiquette about when and where it's ok to use cellular phone    いつどこで携帯電話{けいたい でんわ}を使用{しよう}してよいかに関するエチケットの規範{きはん}
  • code of etiquette about when and where it's ok to use mobile    いつどこで携帯電話{けいたい でんわ}を使用{しよう}してよいかに関するエチケットの規範{きはん}
  • code of etiquette about when and where it's ok to use mobile-phone    いつどこで携帯電話{けいたい でんわ}を使用{しよう}してよいかに関するエチケットの規範{きはん}
  • according to etiquette    礼儀{れいぎ}から言って
  • bathing etiquette    入浴{にゅうよく}マナー
  • book on etiquette    エチケット[礼儀作法{れいぎ さほう}]の本
  • breach of etiquette    breach of etiquette 違式 いしき 不埒 ふらち
  • carpool etiquette    自動車[マイカー]相乗り通勤{あいのり つうきん}の際のエチケット◆一人の都合が悪くなったときの断るマナーや必要経費の支払方法など
  • corporate etiquette    会社{かいしゃ}の礼儀作法{れいぎ さほう}
  • court etiquette    宮中礼式{きゅうちゅう れいしき}


  • it is said that some clans such as the henmi clan , takeda clan , ogasawara clan , ise clan , and the kira clan had originated the code of etiquette .
  • ogasawara school regards busha and kisha differently and it divides ' busha ,' ' kisha ,' and ' code of etiquette ' and gives licenses separately .
  • the ogasawara school inherited a shooting tradition based upon the code of etiquette from the samurai world and the ' reisha group ' in today ' s kyudo means the code or style of shooting originating from the ogasawara school .
  • shikibu-sho was regarded as the most important ministry after nakatsukasa-sho (ministry of central affairs ) among the eight central ministries , because it managed the personnel evaluation system (the personnel rating section was responsible ), the code of etiquette , the recruitment and promotion (the conferment of a court rank and appointment to an office ), and the award , with administering daigaku-ryo - an organization for training up government officials .
  • during the edo period , motohiro konoe , who was at the time considered to be the most powerful among the sekke families , argued that the nijo family should not continue the dominant position in the accession to the throne out of the following two reasons: one being that the code of etiquette for accession should originally come down to all the sekke families , and the other being that the previous family head , mitsuhira nijo , had died young , and therefore the code of etiquette had terminated .
  • during the edo period , motohiro konoe , who was at the time considered to be the most powerful among the sekke families , argued that the nijo family should not continue the dominant position in the accession to the throne out of the following two reasons: one being that the code of etiquette for accession should originally come down to all the sekke families , and the other being that the previous family head , mitsuhira nijo , had died young , and therefore the code of etiquette had terminated .
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