etiquette etiquette n. 礼儀作法, エチケット. 【動詞+】 disregard etiquette 礼儀作法を無視する follow established etiquette 既成のエチケットを守る Convention prescribes the etiquette for introducing people to one another.
it is said that some clans such as the henmi clan , takeda clan , ogasawara clan , ise clan , and the kira clan had originated the code of etiquette . こうした礼式には逸見氏・武田氏・小笠原氏・伊勢氏・吉良氏などの家々に独自の伝があったとという。
ogasawara school regards busha and kisha differently and it divides ' busha ,' ' kisha ,' and ' code of etiquette ' and gives licenses separately . 小笠原流では歩射と騎射は別物であり、「歩射」「騎射」「礼法」と分けて考えられ免許もそれぞれ別にある。
the ogasawara school inherited a shooting tradition based upon the code of etiquette from the samurai world and the ' reisha group ' in today ' s kyudo means the code or style of shooting originating from the ogasawara school . その伝統を受け継ぐ小笠原流は武家社会での礼式に則った射の流れを汲む流派であり、今日の弓道で「礼射系」といえば、小笠原流に由来する作法や射法のことをいう。
shikibu-sho was regarded as the most important ministry after nakatsukasa-sho (ministry of central affairs ) among the eight central ministries , because it managed the personnel evaluation system (the personnel rating section was responsible ), the code of etiquette , the recruitment and promotion (the conferment of a court rank and appointment to an office ), and the award , with administering daigaku-ryo - an organization for training up government officials . 官人の人事評価制度(人事考課)、礼式、及び選叙(叙位及び任官)、行賞を司り、役人養成機関である大学寮を統括するため、八省の内でも中務省に次いで重要な省とされてきた。
during the edo period , motohiro konoe , who was at the time considered to be the most powerful among the sekke families , argued that the nijo family should not continue the dominant position in the accession to the throne out of the following two reasons: one being that the code of etiquette for accession should originally come down to all the sekke families , and the other being that the previous family head , mitsuhira nijo , had died young , and therefore the code of etiquette had terminated . 江戸時代、当時の摂家最大の実力者とされていた近衛基熙が本来は摂関家全てに即位灌頂の礼式が伝わっている事、先代当主の二条光平の早世で礼式が絶えたことを理由に二条家の独占を継続すべきではないと唱えた。
during the edo period , motohiro konoe , who was at the time considered to be the most powerful among the sekke families , argued that the nijo family should not continue the dominant position in the accession to the throne out of the following two reasons: one being that the code of etiquette for accession should originally come down to all the sekke families , and the other being that the previous family head , mitsuhira nijo , had died young , and therefore the code of etiquette had terminated . 江戸時代、当時の摂家最大の実力者とされていた近衛基熙が本来は摂関家全てに即位灌頂の礼式が伝わっている事、先代当主の二条光平の早世で礼式が絶えたことを理由に二条家の独占を継続すべきではないと唱えた。